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Remote operation capability added to market-leading MS300 counter-surveillance receiver

Released 19 September 2007

Winkelmann UK, the leading European designer and manufacturer of counter-surveillance equipment for use by government agencies, the armed forces, law enforcement authorities and commercial organisations, has announced enhancements to its market leading MS300 counter-surveillance receiver with the addition of full internet-based remote operation. When permanently installed in premises such as MOD buildings, financial institutions, embassies, customs and police facilities and data centres, sweeps can be initiated remotely from anywhere in the world using TCP/IP connectivity. The MS300 can be configured to protect premises 24 hours a day, sending e-mail reports of any new signals detected. The software can also be configured to send a spectrum analyser snapshot of new signals to allow operators to analyse signals remotely even when they appear only briefly.

Automatically sweeping through the frequency range 10kHz to 15GHz, the MS300 is unique in having an integral Microwave Down Converter to give the widest range available from any single-box standard equipment on the market. It provides an ultra-sensitive sweep across the covered frequency band, detecting analogue listening devices operating in the LF, HF, VHF and UHF spectra; it is particularly effective against frequency-hopping and spread spectrum devices, an integral video demodulator aids the detection of video transmitters and an optional GSM mobile phone detector detects devices operating on the 800, 900, 1800 and 1900MHz European and US frequencies.

The MDC is exceptionally easy to use; integrating the MDC into the main unit enables the complete equipment to be contained in a single carry case, which also houses a laptop PC and the active loop and planar spiral antennae.
