Non-Linear Junction Detectors (NLJD)
Non-Linear Junction Detectors (NLJD's)

A Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) is used for detection of all kinds of non-linear junctions, which may be semiconductor or metallic.

One of the greatest areas of concern to soldiers in the field is that of Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs), which kill more soldiers in modern warfare than any other weapon system. Such devices are also being increasingly used by terrorist organisations and other subversive groups to target civilian VVIPs and their vehicle convoys. Winkelmann has nearly two decades of experience in developing NLJD’s.

The HAWK XTS is a portable, simple to use advanced Electronic Device Detector, also known as a Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD). The HAWK XTS allows the operator to search voids and areas where they are unable to gain physical or visual access, in order to detect electronic components and determine if the area is free from an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).

HAWK XTS-2500 - field operatable NLJD system. On various targets the XTS-2.5 GHz detector is more efficient, deployed on peacekeeping missions, civil emergency tasks, where it can provide CBRN and IED search-and-support. More >

HAWK XTS-900 - field operatable hand-held NLJD system, single-body design containing transceiver, antenna and display assembly on a single extendible unit. More >

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Detection of remote-controlled detonators
High Risk Search Capabilities
Detection of buried ammunition and arms caches
Detection of surveillance devices – Technical Surveillance Counter Measures
Detection of Mobile Phones in Prisons